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Henry Miller is not popular with the academic community. I think this is because there is nothing for academics to do with his books. Henry says what Henry means, there really is no need to interpret his meaning. So don't be scared off just because your instructors never mention this book. It's meant to be enjoyed outside the confines of institutions such as college anyway. Henry's point of view is the man in the street. Sometimes(most of the time) he is dealing with very basic issues like food(mostly where the next meals coming from) and sex which he likes to have often. Henry is a man perhaps limited to a few appetites but that is why he is fun to hang out with. He enthuses you with his own enthusiasms. He can be funny, depressing, and surprisingly poetic in his visions which may have been brought on by hunger or drink or just desperation to have a vision. I think the same audience that likes Kerouac will like Miller. Kerouac is also dismissed by the academy and the higher circles of learning but who cares. Both tell pretty straightforward tales about themselves trying to live the way they want. They should be read for no other reason than for the pure enjoyment they give. The movie Henry Miller(Henry and June) I think is a great character but not the Henry I know. The Henry that is narrating Tropic of Cancer is desperate and spilling over with words that are sometimes heartbreakingly honest. The movie Henry is more like a loveable clown which Henry did become later in life. Other books by Henry Miller are also very enjoyable. My favorites: The Colossus of Maroussi(about a visit to Greece), The Air-Conditioned Nightmare(travels in U.S.) and Big Sur and the Oranges of Hieronymos Bosch(about his life in that N. California idyllic spot). Read and enjoy. Screw the academy.
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