Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011


ring The Sky Used Blue ebook

The Sky Used Blue ebook

Ever since Hugh Howey allowed others to play in the WOOL sandbox, silo stories have been surfacing pretty fast. I'm not sure how I got wind of this particular tale. Nevertheless, I'm glad I did.

This book takes place after disaster described in FIRST SHIFT (please read it first before biting into the lovely short story). If you've ever wondered how scores of people could just forget something ever happened and the truth not be passed down to others, this story gives you the basic recipe for forgetfulness. Of course, there are always a few who remember. Just don't let it be known that you remember, or you'll go 'splat'.

If you're a fan of WOOL and the SHIFT series, you're in for a treat when reading this one as the story is told from the eyes of one of its secondary, but important, characters. The author's style, though different, takes nothing away from the universe many WOOL fans have grown to love. If anything, this tale adds several ounces of power to the SHIFT series as it makes one imagine what could have been.

Please pick this up because the author is planning to release part 2 in May 2013. And from the sample provided at the end of this tale, it's something to look forward to.

It's a short story, but don't hate on it. Give it a try (but not before you've read WOOL and SHIFT books). Definitely worth more than $0.99.

Get your The Sky Used Blue ebook Now!

2 komentar:

  1. Can someone tell me why no one will sponsor my awesome idea about Angel and Demons. I got a great story with great characters. One character is even hypnotizing to anyone who looks at him. Its a very unique character. He has moving clouds and blue skies for eyes. I mean this character if drawn right and put together the way I'm thinking is a hit I swear it( i just want to tell a good story). can someone tell me why I cant get a sponsor or agent or a reply from someone at yen press( a comic book company) My character even has a unique name( Lucid) here is an example of my character

  2. So many phones but which one. I would like something that takes a reasonable photo, has a touch screen, pay as you go... and above all else is easy to use...I'm a pensioner. Also what is an app and how do I get it onto my new phone when I decide which one to purchase.???
